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продам золотой песок : Лом золота, пісок, зливки, афінаж — купити/продати

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Часовий пояс UTC + 2 годин

Створити нову тему Відповісти  [ 3 повідомлень ] 
Автор Повідомлення
 Тема повідомлення: продам золотой песок
ПовідомленняДодано: 11 липня 2012, 15:00 

З нами з: 11 липня 2012, 14:43
Повідомлень: 1
Has thanked: 0 time
Been thanked: 0 time

Ref:Gold Dust Offer
Product:Unrefined AU Gold Dust
Present:Form. Dust
Quality:23 carats plus
Purity: Au Typically 97.5% plus purity (Balance non-deleterious)
Price; U$26,862 per kg commission facilitator part included.
(1% seller side (closed) (1%Buyer side Mandate/Intermediaries)
Country of Origin: Mali
Packing: Sealed metal container suitable for air transportation

Be informed that our procedures to sell would be under this parameters,

Product: Gold Dust
Amount: Between 50kilos and 100 kilos per month. First Tranche:
Evidence from 1 to 10 kilos
Purity: Greater than 92%
Karat: 22 Karat minimum
Price: U$26,862 U$D
Packing: Sealed metal container suitable for air transportation.

The buyer is kindly requested to come down and meet with the respective local miners (sellers) and finalize the purchase contracts. Seller issues FCO to Buyer subsequent Full Corporate Offer to agreed procedures of Seller and Buyer towards issue Letter of Intent (LOI).

SELLER will deliver the unrefined gold dust consignment to a security company at an airport or a national customs or other secure agency nominated by the BUYER, either in the name of FACILITATOR or in the name of BUYER complete with full export and other transaction documentation. Transportation by SELLER to buyer shall be via an agreed reliable IATA Airline as valuable cargo. FACILITATOR/BUYER will arrange that the consignment is collected from the security premises soon after arrival by BUYER who will refine and, after refining, weigh the quantity of pure gold in the consignment and then buy this contained gold in the consignment.

SELLER shall deliver Unrefined Gold that conforms to the following typical specifications (AU typically 93.50 % plus purity, balance non-deleterious) Shipment shall be addressed as BUYER instructs SELLER. Outside of this Agreement, an agreed advance payment will be made to seller to pay expenses for documentation and possible taxes to faciliate the transaction.

Seller agrees to send sample from 1 to 10kg for Assay and trial market much as BUYER accepts to cover expenses towards shipment and delivery.BUYER will deduct expenses incurs after assay, refinery and sale of metal and balance sum to be effected not later than six business days.

The payment for sold gold will be effected not later than three business days from the date of collection of the container by BUYER from the nominated Agency in the country of BUYER. Bank charges for payments that may occur outside ECOWAS are to be paid by BUYER.

SELLER will provide at a later date details of the bank and the account into which the proceeds of the sale of the consignment 250kg are to be paid.
All payments shall be made in United States dollars without deduction, offsets or withholding of taxes. Any request document or communication from either BUYER or SELLER in relation with any shipment shall be addressed by secure email or courier service.

All taxes and expenses after delivery to the country of BUYER shall be paid by BUYER.


SELLER agrees to deliver this unrefined gold dust consignment to a refinery at country of Buyer or a national customs or other secure agency nominated by buyer, either in the name of FACILITATOR or in the name of BUYER complete with full export and other transaction documentation, TRANSPORTATION by SELLER to BUYER shall be via an agreed, reliable IATA Airline AS VALUABLE CARGO.FACILITATOR or BUYER will arrange that the consignment is collected from the refining soon after arrival by BUYER, who will refine and, after refining, weigh the quantity of pure gold in the consignment and then buy this contained gold in the consignment.

Expect good answer to go on.

Відповісти з цитатою  
 Тема повідомлення: Re: продам золотой песок
ПовідомленняДодано: 21 травня 2013, 14:25 

З нами з: 21 травня 2013, 14:16
Повідомлень: 2
Has thanked: 0 time
Been thanked: 0 time
День добрый!
Я имею полномочия представителя банка в Германии, и мы заинтересованы в приобретении , золотого песка и золотых слитков. Песок покупаем от 20 процентов и выше содержания золота. Рафинерий в Германии.Если есть возможность поставок золота добывающих компаний, которые находятся в Африке, жду ваших предложений и контракта. Могу отправить свой вариант контракта. Интересует долгосрочное сотрудничество.
С уважением Мацуй Сергей, Skype S_e_r_g_e_i_2011, office_zp@ukr.net

Відповісти з цитатою  
 Тема повідомлення: Re: продам золотой песок
ПовідомленняДодано: 15 листопада 2016, 14:05 

З нами з: 15 листопада 2016, 13:01
Повідомлень: 3
Has thanked: 0 time
Been thanked: 0 time
контракт готов начать .

Відповісти з цитатою  

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в Купити діаманти, дорогоцінне, напівдорогоцінне та декоративне каміння | Київ, Тель-Авів — Україна, Ізраїль та весь світ




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в Купити діаманти, дорогоцінне, напівдорогоцінне та декоративне каміння | Київ, Тель-Авів — Україна, Ізраїль та весь світ




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Andruxa Переглянути останнє повідомлення

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Створити нову тему Відповісти  [ 3 повідомлень ] 

Часовий пояс UTC + 2 годин

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